For a nation that proudly portrays itself as the protector of democratic principles, we have done an incredibly lousy job of practicing what we preach. The result is that U.S. democracy is dying from neglect.
For instance:
- We have a party (Republicans) devoted to making it harder, not easier for all the people of America to vote.
- We have obsolete election mechanisms like the Electoral College
- An administration that continues to deny interference from hostile foreign powers.
- Antiquated voting machines
- Citizens United, which made it legal to bribe politicians.
- Giving voters only a window of hours in the middle of a typical work week to vote.In spite of the severity, the majority of Americans simply blow it off like it was a nothing more than a case of national hiccups, making complacency the culprit which will go down in history as the cause of death for the system of democracy in the mightiest country […]