What happens when dangerous minds meet resistance? Where are the agreements to get the government back to work? Can they be agreed upon?
How long can America continue without a common narrative to follow? With approval ratings in the teens to the thirties, the United States just can’t work this way. Who will produce the leadership this country needs? You? …or are we going to just leave it to dangerous minds.
Being that this magazine also touches on art — then take a look at this picture; The Trump administration is an autocratic oligarchy fraught with scandal, discord, and incompetence. Mr. Trump keeps the democrats-are-mad-because-they-didn’t-win-the-election narrative going. In truth, the Democrats are not especially angry about losing the election. That’s not the point of contention anymore. The trouble is what Mr. Trump and his administration are doing to this country.
It’s all about what Trump wants to do and anyone that agrees with him (83% of his followers) will just follow like sheep. His followers are apt to remain in the midst of his aura and let go of good healthcare, equal rights, employment, or freedom of speech. It sure isn’t due to the great work he’s done. It’s incredible that we have such an administration that totally disrespects the office of the President of the United States. He and his clown cronies’ antics are tearing this country apart.
It’s important that the U.S. have good relations with our foreign neighbors. But when a leader provokes another with insults, off-color comments, outright accusations, and bullying it’s no wonder we haven’t gone to another war yet. It hasn’t stopped there — it’s just getting started. Mr. Trump always expressed that we look weak to foreign nations. He’s right — since he took office. There are countries that laugh at the U.S. and the things Trump does like lie, make false accusations and discriminate. How much weaker can we look? I can only imagine what our foreign adversaries are thinking. We can’t do much about what happens in foreign countries right now but we can for America.
Confidence in America’s democracy just got a little more vulnerable, a bit more tattered, and for some, a bit more dead. The fact is, that’s what the dangerous minds want you to feel. Degrade democracy, strike fear in people and bring the worst out of everyone. Tell lies, making chaos, and pivoting on issues are the tools of an authoritarian government that is malevolent and tempered by incompetence. Knowing that it’s easy to see through the smoke screens. Divert an unresolved issue with another to distract our attention from it.
Contrary to general consensus, democracy is alive and well. It just may seem like it’s dead. Not much is being said about democracy since President Trump took office. That’s not to say there aren’t any problems, but when our supposed leader (ruler) wants to make a law against speaking in derogatory terms about the president or try to limit and control the press or discriminate against a race of people you know that’s the start of something less than a democracy. At least not a Democracy the way the U.S. traditionally defines it. We’ll call them, “Dangerous Minds” in which they truly are.
Who is The Resistance Party? What do they want to achieve? The Resistance Party’s vision describes an alternative vision as they put it;
“…an alternative vision—one of a just, equitable, tolerant, humane, and multicultural America …”
Although that is just part of their goals and vision for America, it describes an America that the majority have known and loved throughout the history of the United States. Not take from the poor – give to the rich and start wars.
(Read their vision statement http://theresistanceparty.org)
Consider this as stated in their preamble;
…In the United States, the radicalized Republican Party under Donald J. Trump is laying the foundation for a program dangerously reminiscent of fascism that we may refer to as Trumpism…
…the United States appears poised to continue to dismantle what is left of our social safety net, to suppress dissent in violation of the Constitution, and to mobilize racism, scapegoating minorities, who are threatened with mass deportation or worse, and who are already experiencing an uptick in hate crimes…
…In light of this grave domestic and international threat, The Resistance Party has formed to defend and advocate democratic norms…
…leading efforts to resist the assault on our rights and norms that Trumpism is sure to bring. We have serious reason to doubt that the 2016 election was fully free and fair…
…Russia was behind the DNC hack that, along with FBI Director James Comey’s intervention (a possible violation of the Hatch Act), did considerable damage to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s campaign…
…undemocratic (if not illegal) gerrymandering and voter suppression during the first presidential election after the gutting of the Voting Rights Act by the Roberts Court further contributed to providing a radicalized, anti-democratic GOP with disproportionate power at a time when the Democratic candidate, Hillary Clinton, won the popular vote by over 2.8 million votes…
…the realities of Trump’s transition give every indication that he is not only planning to govern as if he has a mandate but also to run roughshod over our rights and norms and the rule of law…
…The Resistance Party is committed to defending our Republic against this vicious, anti-American attack…
…in defending the progress our country has made in civil rights, and in the international context with the global Resistance movement against fascism, we also stand for a broad progressive vision for America that may be described as democratic socialism…
To understand The Resistance Party’s direction is to understand its goals. Listed below is an overview of their goals.
The Resistance Party stands for:
- Free and fair elections
- Economic fairness
- Racial justice
- Native American rights
- Accountable, just, community-centered law enforcement
- Women’s equality
- LGBTQ rights
- Equitable, sensible immigration policies
- Separation of church and state (which provides for equitable religious freedom)
- Sustainability
- Universal, genuinely affordable, quality healthcare
- Abortion access and women’s healthcare
- Disability Rights and accessibility
- Fair incomes for workers
- Stronger schools and affordable education
- Policy-based on sound science and reliable information
This is only a partial glimpse at the Resistance Party — obviously too much for here. Do not merely go by this article to gain a full understanding. It doesn’t give justice to what’s on their website. I encourage you to go there and read the preamble and vision statement for the full text. Please go to http://theresistanceparty.org to learn their goals and vision in their vision statement. Perhaps afterward, ponder the world you want to live in. Hopefully, not one of dangerous minds.
-Jane Margo
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