So, here we are in this great US of A in the year 2020 STILL fighting for civil and human rights — endowed to every citizen as stated by the U.S. Constitution. How does that happen in a country born on the premise of freedom and the pursuit of happiness or in any country on the planet for that matter?

Simple… greed, thirst for power, and corruption. It threads from mister Trump as it does in any country ruled by an authoritarian dictator; outward and downward. Everyone in his fanatic radio wave field suddenly become fish in a school. He turns right; they turn right carrying out his venomous and vile spew without a thought just like a school of fish. As though it should be equivocated and accepted as any other legit culture or politics. A product of hate and bigotry in the likes we have never seen before and we are expected to just swallow the shit he propagates.

The head fish (the Republican Senate) pay no attention and acquiesce to let this man make a fool of himself. The ironic part is; they go along with it. They stand silent not owning up to their part in this hostile regime we call the present US Administration. They let their constitutes be inflicted with serious damage by him in ways that damage everyone in the world.

“They didn’t even have the balls to rightfully convict in Trump’s impeachment. Now it’s balls-to-the-wall time and, Oh my God! – He’s out of control and breaking the law again!”

It’s a perfect storm of greed, money, power, and corruption and Trump is the SHARK in the fish tank. Dark, empty eyes — this shark is an eating machine. It doesn’t care who or what you are, you are fish food eventually. That’s all he lives for – swim around and consume. The cult runs rampant in our government thanks to our fearless tweeter and chief, Donald J. Trump, and his cronyism. They didn’t even have the balls to rightfully convict in Trump’s impeachment. Now it’s balls-to-the-wall time and, “Oh my God! – He’s out of control and breaking the law again!”

For those who follow this meglo-maniac, don’t be fooled. Trumpism is a cult. Philosophically, sociologically, emotionally, and mentally, it is a “cult”. A cult of hate, bigotry, and corruption if let go will poison everything it touches like it has been since Trump was elected.

“Most everyone that has worked for this man has been run into the ground — careers lost, livelihoods eviscerated.”

If you drink the cool-aid; don’t be surprised when this moment is over and the reality of actual truth and justice hits you. He doesn’t care about you but to keep him in power. Trump constantly gaslights you and the American public as well as our foreign allies and adversaries. If you speak out in disagreement with him on an issue, you would be immediately labeled a never-trumper or the radical left and banished from the Trump lair. The shark will eat you and throw you away like yesterday’s lunch wrapper. Until then, he will make your life hell and all his cronies will turn against you. Most everyone that has worked for this man has been run into the ground — careers lost, livelihoods eviscerated.

Mr. Trump isn’t a leader. He’s a ruler and not a good one at that. Personally, I would describe him as more of a “mob boss”. He speaks and you listen. This is a rogue regime perpetrating a hostile takeover of the Whitehouse and associated institutions. He tells you how you’re going to live, how to think, and what to do. Not the other way round. Instead of saying and doing things to benefit the world, he just rants on about everything he hates and conjures up conspiracies and attempts to skew the truth or worse, outright lie.

He admires King Jung Un, Vladimar Putin, and Erdogan. He wants to rule as a dictator or otherwise known as an autocrat. Trump has the whole dynasty thing going on as we speak. We have the King, Donald Trump, and Queen Melania, and then his daughter the princess, Ivanka Trump. Then of course the prince, Jarad Kushner, and last but not least, The two Trump sons, Prince Don Jr. and Prince Erick Trump, Mr. Trump’s protectors and faithful followers. Outside the royal family is Trump’s main viceroy and henchmen, Attorney General William Barr. With his mighty axe, he will attempt to chop your head off. And that is alright by his idea log pal, Steve Miller. All-around white guy and total racist. People like you or me, treated with impunity because we don’t fall within their standard of white supremacy. So we are less than significant to this administration.

“How is this “making America great again”? Great for hate and totalitarianism –- bad for liberal democracy.”

The division Mr. Trump ensues is very damaging to our vulnerable democracy. Family and friend relationships have been destroyed after many, many years of friendship, love, and harmony within those relationships. Now they are mortal enemies. How is this “making America great again”? Great for hate and totalitarianism –- bad for liberal democracy. Yet he continues to rein his white privilege, a cruel and insensitive vile spew of ugly condemnation, and grudges against the righteous and fair treatment of America’s citizens.

No need to catalog Mr. Trump’s indiscretions -– there is a litany of incidents, lies, and gas-lighting, take your pick. Who counts anymore but there have been somewhere around 20,000 lies and untruths since he has been elected. You can look that information up for yourself. It’s everywhere on the internet, TV and radio news media, etc if you haven’t noticed. Of course, if your staple of news and information is right-wing media then you are being gas-lit on steroids. Follow the trusted media and the truth will prevail with you eventually.

“Who’s running the country here? FOX News or Trump? Oh, that’s right, it goes both ways.”

The media fundamentally are the guard rails of our government and society as a whole. But when a popular media source aligns itself with extremist views, it has become extremist within itself in which case is just merely a propaganda machine posing as a proponent of fair, objective, and honest reporting. The media source essentially becomes “state-owned media” as President Putin did when he took power in Russia. He immediately took over RT Russian television station and monitors everything they do and say and even tells them what to do and say when he wants. He also censors information from the Russian public. When a government and a media source become one, that gives them the tools to rule, talk to, or gaslight and censor citizens and the rest of the world. Trump and his association with FOX News and the Hannity crew are exactly the same only here in the United States. Who’s running the country here? FOX News or Trump? Oh, that’s right, it goes both ways.

We are down to one simple premise; Do you like being controlled, gas-lit, discriminated against, divided, lied to, treated with impunity without cause, destroying our national treasured institutions, and infringement on your human and civil rights, or do you want humanity to live and thrive together in peace, your civil rights respected, and no bigotry and hate? There is no redeeming place in this universe for ANY kind of hate but yet, many minions sign up for the “Bigotry & Xenophobe Hate Train”… Woo Woo! – all aboard! Next stop?… The shark tank. 

“Rolling back the EPA, FDA, and CDC standards have put our people and country in jeopardy and in a position of mistrust and lack of safety.”

The upcoming election is a call to action for all of us. It’s not about partisan views, Republican or Democrats, red or blue states. There is no Republican party anymore. Not the one we have known throughout history. What used to be the Republican Party is now the Trump Cult Party of alt-right Trump sycophants and con-men that follow a wannabe dictator. Is this what you want to align yourself with — to live in a dictatorship like China, North Korea, or like Nazi Germany did? Go ahead; vote him in. In four more years, watch how fast the country steeps into degradation and lawlessness. Trump followers believe we are Making America Great Again. America didn’t need to be great again. It was already great. All we needed to do was advance and support the issues and causes we have already built on since before Trump’s arrival to the Whitehouse. But no, he takes office and immediately begins destroying all the bills and laws Obama and Biden passed during their eight years in office. Rolling back the EPA, FDA, and CDC standards have put our people and country in jeopardy and in a position of mistrust and lack of safety. This election isn’t about politics, it’s about right and wrong, good and evil. It’s about the future of the country and what it stands for.

“It’s shameful and unconscionable that my children cannot look to our president as someone to aspire to as I did at their ages.”

Donald Trump lives for one reason – Donald Trump. Everything he does is about him, not the country or its citizens. He has no plan or agenda. He governs by gesture. “Follow me and I’ll make you happy”. That’s as far as an agenda or plan goes with this administration. There is no plan for you or your children’s future. His plan is to leave our planet in an apocalyptic state. Why would he do that? Because he is a little narcissistic child who is mad at the world and wants to just destroy the world and use it up. He doesn’t care about what’s left for you and your kids. I would not ever let my children be exposed to or look up to this less than sober person posing as our president. It’s shameful and unconscionable that my children cannot look to our president as someone to aspire to as I did at their ages. Trump has no compassion or empathy and is morally bankrupt. When it came to his view about the COVID pandemic he said, “Maybe this COVID thing is a good thing. I hate shaking people’s hands — those disgusting people.” That’s what he said about the people who attend his rallies as quoted by Pence’s top coronavirus task force aide. He is unfit to lead this country. If he does, he’ll lead us over a cliff. Are you lining up to be fish food? Only you can answer that question with your vote.

-Jane Margo