Tips You Need for Managing Your Company While Camping is for anyone experiencing wanderlust. Whether you want to check every national park off your bucket list or spend a year abroad, whether you’re operating on a tight budget or planning a once-in-a-lifetime splurge, whether you’re traveling alone or with your whole family in tow… Smith’s site is aContinue Reading
Our Educational System is Accelerating America’s Downfall
Curricula still focus on memorization, forcing students to remember quantity over quality. Names, dates, and places must be regurgitated for history tests, and conjugation tables must be memorized for language exams. Instead of real-world skills, the education system focuses on furthering academic achievement. We use tests to measure students’ ability, and schools have curated their curriculums to prepare pupils for these tests. Kids are taught to succeed in the classroom, with little thought given to the outside world. Memorization is not a life skill…Continue Reading
Hit the showers, Kid
By Jaelle Terrell This was it. The moment Jim was dreading. What was he going to do? And what was wrong with him anyway. He was in junior high school. Today you call it middle school. It was October 1967 and the eighth grade had started about a month ago.Continue Reading
St. Ru
Victoria woke with a start. One of those fully-asleep to fully-awake immediately kinds of things. She laid there for a moment, fully restrained, fully compressed by all the medical equipment, the machines and wires and tubes surrounding her, clicking and humming, attached to her body, keeping her alive. It wasContinue Reading
We’ll Always Have Paris
Victoria laid in bed, stretching out languorously. The room was pitch black and perfectly still. There was no clock on the nightstand. She hadn’t used a clock in her bedroom since her last heart attack. Victoria hadn’t woken …Continue Reading
Victoria was happy. Her life was set. All planned out. Until she ran into something she never expected.Continue Reading
Steel, Coal, and Sub-Prime Auto Loans Spell Trouble for 2018 and Beyond
Harvey Gold At a sprawling steel mill on the outskirts of Philadelphia, the workers have one number in mind; and it’s not how many tons of steel produced every day, or how many hours they work. It’s where each of them falls on the plant’s seniority list. ArcelorMittal, which ownsContinue Reading
Gasoline Spikes, Interest Rate Hikes, Consumer Debt Overload; What Could Go Wrong?
Oil and gasoline are spiking because of Trump’s erratic Middle East policies, interest rates are rising because Trump is adding $1 trillion dollars a YEAR to the national debt, any minor tax benefits to middle America is exceeded by rising prices, the top 20 vehicles sold in the last twoContinue Reading
U.S. Democracy is Dying from Voter Neglect
For a nation that proudly portrays itself as the protector of democratic principles, we have done an incredibly lousy job of practicing what we preach. The result is that U.S. democracy is dying from neglect. For instance: We have a party (Republicans) devoted to making it harder, not easier forContinue Reading
Trump’s Lies About Amazon and the Post Office
Harvey Gold President Trump issued an unexpected and typically uninformed…well…stupid, executive order Thursday night creating a federal task force to investigate the U.S. Postal Service’s finances, including its pricing and workforce costs. “The USPS is on an unsustainable financial path and must be restructured to prevent a taxpayer-funded bailout,” theContinue Reading