Hope During the Age of Trump

Harvey Gold Despite my daughter constantly telling me that I’m not old, (and that my articles are too damn long) I have been on this earth for a lot of cycles around the sun. I remember when the news meant Walter Cronkite (the Most Trusted Man in America). I rememberContinue Reading

The Biggest DonCon of All: “America First” is Making America Worst

Harvey Gold Just as Herbert Hoover, the last Republican “businessman” did, President Trump and the GOP has implemented isolationism, personal enrichment, and a gross ignorance of knowledge about governmental economics, into a death spiral for the U.S., in the world leadership role. Incidentally, Hoover also had an all-Republican Congress atContinue Reading

Who are you to cast less-than upon me — someone you do not know? Who are you to decide my fate — in a moment’s thought? What right do you have — to violate my life? What credence do you follow — that exempts you from the scourge you project?Continue Reading

Here We Go Again with Adjustable Rate Mortgages

While virtually every other country in the industrialized world is in the beginning phase of a sustainable economic revival, [despite having single-payer healthcare for all their citizens] the U.S. GOP-led Congress is trying every way they know how to toss millions of Americans off of healthcare for profit, trickling […]Continue Reading

Trump Sycophants on Disgusting Display Before Senate Intel Committee

If I had ever used the excuse to my parents that Trump’s National Security Agency Director (Admiral Michael S. Rogers), Director of National Intelligence (Daniel Coats), or Attorney General (Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions), used for not answering questions posed by the Senate Oversight Committee on Intelligence, (“I don’t want to”), […]Continue Reading

Does the U.S. Have a Fundamental Economic Morality Problem?

  Harvey Gold – Underneath the hyper-partisanship currently infecting the United States, is there a deeper, fundamental lack of morality in its economics and politics? Is it something new or has it been glossed over since our separation from England? There is, of course, our obsession with winning, which isContinue Reading