Still Think Russian Interference Won’t Affect You? Try No Electricity in August.
On June 13, 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions testified to the Senate Intelligence committee about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Sessions was greeted by an unexpected change in focus from Senator John McCain after nervously taking hours of questions about his knowledge of the plot. “Quietly, the KremlinContinue Reading
Will the Democrats Find Yet Another Way to Snatch Defeat from the Jaws of Victory?
The biggest race of the night for the Democratic party will be decided in a runoff, setting up months of yet another conflict between the establishment and its progressive wing like the one that helped propelled Donald Trump to the White House with the help of Russia. The Democratic CongressionalContinue Reading
Steel, Coal, and Sub-Prime Auto Loans Spell Trouble for 2018 and Beyond
At a sprawling steel mill on the outskirts of Philadelphia, the workers have one number in mind; and it’s not how many tons of steel produced every day, or how many hours they work. It’s where each of them falls on the plant’s seniority list. ArcelorMittal, which owns the mill,Continue Reading
Merry Christmas – The GOP Tax Bill will Bankrupt Your Children and Kill ObamaCare
On December 2, the Senate passed a tax bill that is both callous and rash. But beyond that assessment, it’s also stupid, short-sighted and will have disastrous consequences for 90% of the population. The bill is stupid because it cuts taxes for US corporations — which are enjoying record profitsContinue Reading
Hope During the Age of Trump
Harvey Gold Despite my daughter constantly telling me that I’m not old, (and that my articles are too damn long) I have been on this earth for a lot of cycles around the sun. I remember when the news meant Walter Cronkite (the Most Trusted Man in America). I rememberContinue Reading
The Biggest DonCon of All: “America First” is Making America Worst
Harvey Gold Just as Herbert Hoover, the last Republican “businessman” did, President Trump and the GOP has implemented isolationism, personal enrichment, and a gross ignorance of knowledge about governmental economics, into a death spiral for the U.S., in the world leadership role. Incidentally, Hoover also had an all-Republican Congress atContinue Reading
THE CHICKENSHIT CLUB and My View of the DOJ White Collar Crime Unit
Harvey Gold I ’ve been a critic of President Obama and Eric Holder’s decision to ultimately not prosecute any of the major (or even minor) perpetrators involved in the 2007 housing crash ever since I started this website a couple of years after the actual 2007 Housing Crash. In fact,Continue Reading
Death of a Transsexual
Who are you to cast less-than upon me — someone you do not know? Who are you to decide my fate — in a moment’s thought? What right do you have — to violate my life? What credence do you follow — that exempts you from the scourge you project?Continue Reading
Donald Trump is the Inevitable Result of Decades of Republican Blame-ism
Harvey Gold Long before his Royal Trumpness had the balls to make it his actual campaign slogan, the Republican Party was promising to Make America Great Again. Usually couched in the imaginary language of “tradition,” Republican leaders have long celebrated the fabricated idea of an American golden era, circa 1945Continue Reading
Here We Go Again with Adjustable Rate Mortgages
While virtually every other country in the industrialized world is in the beginning phase of a sustainable economic revival, [despite having single-payer healthcare for all their citizens] the U.S. GOP-led Congress is trying every way they know how to toss millions of Americans off of healthcare for profit, trickling […]Continue Reading