Trump Sycophants on Disgusting Display Before Senate Intel Committee
If I had ever used the excuse to my parents that Trump’s National Security Agency Director (Admiral Michael S. Rogers), Director of National Intelligence (Daniel Coats), or Attorney General (Jeffrey Beauregard Sessions), used for not answering questions posed by the Senate Oversight Committee on Intelligence, (“I don’t want to”), […]Continue Reading
Does the U.S. Have a Fundamental Economic Morality Problem?
Harvey Gold – Underneath the hyper-partisanship currently infecting the United States, is there a deeper, fundamental lack of morality in its economics and politics? Is it something new or has it been glossed over since our separation from England? There is, of course, our obsession with winning, which isContinue Reading
Economic and Engineering Experts Destroy Trump’s Trade and Tariff Memes
Harvey Gold As much as Donald Trump and his supporters believe, and erroneously repeat ad nauseum, that NAFTA is some horrible trade policy that destroyed U.S. manufacturing,US manufacturing output is close to a record high, even when adjusted for inflation, so a full 20 years of in-depth studies show quiteContinue Reading
Dear Donald: You Are One Sick Puppy-Get Help
Harvey Gold Dear Donald, I would like to personally express my gratitude to you, your staff, your wife-in-absentia, [Melania] your daughter-wife, [Ivanka] your Cabinet of (please pick all that apply) : Racists Fascists Nationalists Isolationists Xenophobic Misogynistic Narcissistic Whites Unqualified stooges Billionaires bootlickers for managing to screw up the oneContinue Reading
GOP Sells All America’s Internet Privacy for Political Greed
It’s no revelation that personal communications and the means by which they are carried out, have been a growing concern for governmental purposes and Americans’ rights as we’ve all become more and more interdependent on our computers and telephones. The Federal Communication Commission studied the issue of online privacy […]Continue Reading