Gentleman Jack is an HBO series based on a real person named Anne Lister (1791-1840). Wikipedia calls her the first modern lesbian. In the show, Gentleman Jack wears black, a color reserved for men. The cut of her clothes is masculine, except for her floor-length skirts. While she moves throughContinue Reading

By Jaelle Terrell It was about 7:00 on a Friday, and the light rain stopped as dusk began to settle in.  He was still wearing his red Lowe’s vest as he drove down the divided road.  He admired the big stone church on his right. “St. John and Paul.” “I’veContinue Reading

Victoria woke with a start. One of those fully-asleep to fully-awake immediately kinds of things. She laid there for a moment, fully restrained, fully compressed by all the medical equipment, the machines and wires and tubes surrounding her, clicking and humming, attached to her body, keeping her alive. It wasContinue Reading

Victoria laid in bed, stretching out languorously. The room was pitch black and perfectly still. There was no clock on the nightstand. She hadn’t used a clock in her bedroom since her last heart attack. Victoria hadn’t woken …Continue Reading