

Acts of kindness. Simple phrase, yes? Putting it mildly, I sometimes wonder if the meaning, not the words, ever occurs to many in our present contemporary life. You know, as an inherent human consciousness that we know we all possess. It’s called, Empathy, Love and Morality. Those things seem toContinue Reading

Jaelle Terrell The Supreme Court ruling against LGBTQ rights is a blow. It is a setback. MSNBC reported that this decision “made millions of Americans poorer. Remember the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. “The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.” It’s not aContinue Reading

By Jaelle Terrell It was about 7:00 on a Friday, and the light rain stopped as dusk began to settle in.  He was still wearing his red Lowe’s vest as he drove down the divided road.  He admired the big stone church on his right. “St. John and Paul.” “I’veContinue Reading

By Jaelle Terrell This was it. The moment Jim was dreading. What was he going to do? And what was wrong with him anyway. He was in junior high school. Today you call it middle school. It was October 1967 and the eighth grade had started about a month ago.Continue Reading

Harvey Gold Despite my daughter constantly telling me that I’m not old, (and that my articles are too damn long) I have been on this earth for a lot of cycles around the sun. I remember when the news meant Walter Cronkite (the Most Trusted Man in America). I rememberContinue Reading

  Harvey Gold – Underneath the hyper-partisanship currently infecting the United States, is there a deeper, fundamental lack of morality in its economics and politics? Is it something new or has it been glossed over since our separation from England? There is, of course, our obsession with winning, which isContinue Reading