

Acts of kindness. Simple phrase, yes? Putting it mildly, I sometimes wonder if the meaning, not the words, ever occurs to many in our present contemporary life. You know, as an inherent human consciousness that we know we all possess. It’s called, Empathy, Love and Morality. Those things seem toContinue Reading

Jaelle Terrell The Supreme Court ruling against LGBTQ rights is a blow. It is a setback. MSNBC reported that this decision “made millions of Americans poorer. Remember the words of Martin Luther King, Jr. “The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice.” It’s not aContinue Reading

Jaelle Terrell Once again I find Real Time with Bill Maher falling short on the issue of transgender identity. Often in the past, Bill and his guests have made incorrect statements about the transgender person’s needs and rights.  But let’s focus on yesterday. The twenty-first season of Real Time withContinue Reading

Dangerous Minds & The Resistance

What happens when dangerous minds meet resistance? Where are the agreements to get the government back to work? Can they be agreed upon? How long can America continue without a common narrative to follow? With approval ratings in the teens to the thirties, the United States just can’t work thisContinue Reading


So, here we are in this great US of A in the year 2020 STILL fighting for civil and human rights — endowed to every citizen as stated by the U.S. Constitution. How does that happen in a country born on the premise of freedom and the pursuit of happinessContinue Reading

For a nation that proudly portrays itself as the protector of democratic principles, we have done an incredibly lousy job of practicing what we preach. The result is that U.S. democracy is dying from neglect. For instance: We have a party (Republicans) devoted to making it harder, not easier forContinue Reading

Harvey Gold President Trump issued an unexpected and typically uninformed…well…stupid, executive order Thursday night creating a federal task force to investigate the U.S. Postal Service’s finances, including its pricing and workforce costs. “The USPS is on an unsustainable financial path and must be restructured to prevent a taxpayer-funded bailout,” theContinue Reading